Useful Links

About Third-Party Links

South East Volunteers (SEV) provides links to third-party websites that we think may be of interest and benefit to our workshop participants. The links provided in our Further Learning are provided solely for your convenience. When you click on these links you will leave the SEV website and will be directed to another website, which is not under control of SEV.


Videos & TV Shows

External Websites



Volunteer for Knox


Volunteer West


Volunteering Shepparton


Volunteering Ballarat


Volunteering Geelong


Whittlesea Community Connections


Volunteer Connect Warrnambool
Volunteer insurance information

Talks That Matter

Talks That Matter is a unique, online video strategy developed by Belonging Matters which harnesses the leadership of people with disabilities, families and allies who have challenged exclusionary practices. Many of the people within Belonging Matters’ vast international network are featured in Talks That Matter ensuring a rich, global perspective.

TTM is an ideal learning and teaching resource for people with a disability, families, support workers, organisations, students, teachers, trainers, planners, professionals, managers, CEOs, policy makers and others who are boundary pushers!

Inclusive Towns

This site is designed to reduce some of the unknowns (where are the accessible toilets?) and frustrations (this pub has steps!) that can be experienced by the community when visiting new places.

You can search the directory of registered businesses by the feature that most benefits you (such as which cafes have autism friendly spaces, accessible toilets or picture menus) and identify inclusive employers and explore accessible accommodation options. You can also find the contact information for each business, and additional access and inclusion information for towns who have participated in the Inclusive Towns Project.

Disability Gateway | Australian Government

The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.

Accesshub | Australian Government

Accesshub provides information for people who are Deaf, hard of hearing or who have a speech impairment and need to communicate over the phone.

IncludeAbility | Australian Human Rights Commission

IncludeAbility is an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) developed to increase meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability, and to close the gap in workforce participation between people with disability and people without disability.