Membership of South East Volunteers Inc
South East Volunteers is an incorporated association. Our members are made up of people and organisations that have an interest in our work. There are no other criteria, such as living in a certain area, for membership.
How do I become a member?
To become a member call our office and we will send you an application form. Once we have received this you will be registered on our membership list and we will send you a copy of the Rules of the organisation. You will be invited to attend our annual general meeting each year (usually in October). At this meeting we report back to the members about what we have achieved and the management of finances over the past year. If you cannot attend the meeting we will send you a copy of our annual report which documents all of the information presented at the meeting.
What are the benefits of membership?
As a member we will send you information about what is happening, including events that we hold and a newsletter every quarter. This can be emailed and saves you checking with us for updates. You will have a say in important changes, for example to the Rules of the organisation. These cannot be changed without the approval of members so you will be invited to special meetings if these are proposed. If you are a member of SEV you are entitled to stand for election to the Committee of Management. The Committee is the governing body of the organisation.
Generally if someone is interested in joining the Committee they contact the President of the Committee of Management to see whether there is a position available and whether they have the skills and experience that can assist the Committee in its work. To contact the President call our office and a message will be passed on to them.