Chinese elderly social support


Are you looking for a Chinese group that offers fun and friendship?

Chinese Senior Social Support groups are facilitated by dedicated staffs and volunteers.
The groups are language specific to ensure every participant has a welcoming and safe environment.

We have activities that are well planned and designed to:

  • Meet new friends and provide social support among group members
  • Provide safe indoor and outdoor activities to enhance participants’ physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Through different activities, participants can learn new skills, try new experiences and be more informed of the availability of community resources
  • Provide transport for eligible participants who cannot drive themselves

We have two Chinese Elderly Social Support Groups who meet on Monday and Friday for activities. Join us for:

  • Traditional Chinese celebrations
  • Interesting talks and information
  • Games
  • Tai Chi
  • Local and overseas news and community updates
  • Occasional picnic, outing, shopping trip
  • Lunch and occasional Yum Cha.

Who can join?

For those who are interested, you need to be:

  • Residents of the City of Monash
  • Over 65 years of age
  • Physically independent
  • Live alone or are isolated
  • Problems in communication because of language barriers

If you live in the City of Monash, are over 65 years of age and would like to join one of the Chinese groups, call us on (03) 9590 5700 or the Chinese Message Hotline on (03) 9539 4533.


您是否想參加, 提供樂趣和友誼的華人康樂組?
我們的活動內容是專為蒙納殊社區 (City of Monash)的華人長者而設計, 目的如下:
讓長者在小組活動中結識新朋友, 參與社交聯誼 , 彼此互相關懷與扶持
為長者提供特別策劃的戶內及戶外活動, 讓他們在安全的環境下增強身心的健康
透過不同形式的活動讓長者學習新技能, 嘗試新事物, 並認識更多本社區的資源
提供交通接送服務, 給符合資格但不方便自行駕車的長者
我們有兩個華人長者康樂組, 每逢星期一和星期五活動. 活動內容包括:
郊外旅遊, 購物之旅
蒙納殊市(City of Monash)居民
年滿 65 歲
如果你居住在Monash 市, 超過65歲, 有興趣參加我們其中一個長者康樂組, 請致電 9562 0414 或中文留言服務9539 4533.

活動時間及地點 (Time and Venue)
時間: 每星期一, 五上午 10 時至 12 時 (若有特別或 戶外活動, 時間會較長)
地點: 東南區志願者中心
South East Volunteers
(290 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley)
費用: 每次$ 5 元茶點費 (中心聚會)
聯絡電話: 9590 5700
Mei Ip 葉小姐 (星期三及星期五上午9時30分至下午4時)
Gary Shih 施先生 (星期一上午9時30分至下午3時
(華語留言服務-任何時間): 9539 4533